Kill Your QUADS

Explosive Leg Workout: Build Your Quads with These 5 Exercises

If you're looking to take your leg training to the next level, it's time to switch up your routine and challenge your quads in new ways. Today, we're going to introduce you to an explosive leg workout that will target your quadriceps muscles and help build strength and muscle definition. Get ready to embrace the burn with these five exercises!

1. Barbell Squat with Heels Elevated

Set aside four sets of eight to twelve reps for the Barbell Squat with Heels Elevated. This exercise is a great way to shift the focus to your quadriceps while also engaging your glutes and hamstrings. By elevating your heels, you allow yourself to achieve a deeper squat position, increasing the range of motion and targeting the quads even more.
Remember to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your chest up, core engaged, and ensure that your knees are aligned with your toes. This foundational exercise will set the tone for the rest of your quadriceps-focused workout.

2. Hack Squats with Knees Over Toes

Next up, we have four sets of Hack Squats with Knees Over Toes. By deliberately allowing your knees to track forward over your toes during this exercise, you will isolate your quads and feel the burn in no time. The hack squat machine offers stability and support, making it easier to maintain proper form.
As you perform this exercise, keep your back straight, maintain a controlled movement, and push through the heels. By focusing on the quadriceps, you will optimize the muscle engagement and achieve the desired results.

3. Split Squats with Knees Over Toes

Add four sets of Split Squats with Knees Over Toes to your leg workout routine. This exercise targets quadriceps strength on a unilateral basis, allowing you to identify any imbalances between your legs. By placing one foot forward and the other behind you, you'll activate the quad muscles in both legs more intensely.
Ensure proper alignment by keeping your front knee tracking over your toes, your torso upright, and your core engaged. The split squat is an excellent exercise to address any asymmetry, enhance stability, and promote quad development.

4. Single Legged Leg Press at a 45-Degree Angle

Prepare for a challenging exercise with the Single Legged Leg Press at a 45-Degree Angle. With four sets of eight to twelve reps per leg, this exercise will take your quadriceps to new heights. The 45-degree angle targets the upper portion of the quads while engaging the glute muscles as well.
Sit on the leg press machine and place one foot on the footboard, ensuring it is positioned at a 45-degree angle. Push through the heel as you extend your leg, focusing on the quadriceps contraction. Concentrate on maintaining control and range of motion throughout the movement for maximum effectiveness.

5. Quad Extensions for the Final Burn

Finish off your explosive leg workout with ten sets of ten reps of Quad Extensions. This isolation exercise is specifically designed to target the quadriceps muscles. Adjust the machine to suit your body mechanics, and securely set your feet under the pads. As you extend your legs, squeeze your quads at the top of each repetition to maximize muscle activation.
Remember to maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout, focusing on the mind-muscle connection. The high-repetition sets of quad extensions will help pump blood into the muscle and provide an incredible burn.


Diversify your leg routine and challenge your quads with this explosive leg workout. Incorporate the Barbell Squat with Heels Elevated, Hack Squats with Knees Over Toes, Split Squats with Knees Over Toes, Single Legged Leg Press at a 45-Degree Angle, and Quad Extensions. Aim for four sets of eight to twelve reps for the first four exercises and finish strong with ten sets of ten reps of quad extensions.
Remember, safety and proper form are paramount. If you are new to these exercises or unsure about the correct technique, consult with a fitness professional before diving in. Get ready to feel the burn and watch your quads transform as you push through this demanding workout!


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