Kill Your QUADS
Explosive Leg Workout: Build Your Quads with These 5 Exercises
If you're looking to take your leg training to the next level, it's time to switch up your routine and challenge your quads in new ways. Today, we're going to introduce you to an explosive leg workout that will target your quadriceps muscles and help build strength and muscle definition. Get ready to embrace the burn with these five exercises!
Love your body, FIRST
Being unhappy with one’s body is not unique to those that are overweight, or out of shape. Sure, being ashamed or embarrassed because of being overweight or lacking muscle mass is common given the societal pressure to have certain physical shape, but did you know that many athletes; bodybuilders, competitors, fitness figures, and social media influencers who are famous for having a “great body” and living a lifestyle of fitness have just as poor and often WORSE mental health regarding how they view themselves as the next person?

Meal Prepping is one of the fundamentals of a fitness journey. This aspect of a fitness plan, is the one that usually leads to failure, or success. Life is very busy for all of us, and managing the time to incorporate meal prepping weekly, is crucial for anyone to be successful when following a fitness plan, and when developing a healthy lifestyle routine that follows your program.

Why Drinking Water Is Essential
The human body is comprised of approximately 60% H2O, so as one can imagine consuming adequate water is vital to our health! Imagine how great your car would run and how long the motor would last if it had a daily oil change, this is what drinking a gallon a day does for you! Furthermore, it can help you lose weight! In fact, its one of the easiest things you can do to support your weight loss efforts. Drinking water raises your metabolism, improving your fat burning rate.